
How a Strict Artist Schedule can Lead to Creative Spontaneity?, or Maybe Not?…

In introducing this Blog, we Seek to find out if a Strict Artist Schedule or Routine can Lead to Creative Spontaneity, or Maybe Not? I search a few Professionals In different areas of Science, as well as Artists, to see if they Agree or disagree, with this Question. I will be Posting in the Blog, Two paintings, that I Art created, using my Spontaneity of Thoughts and Ideas. Let us See the Results?

In the Art Inspiration, Marike Kleynscheldt says, that a Daily Schedule, Fights, her Artists block. The Art Schedule helps, her to Create Playful and thought provoking Still Life’s. Her Art style is Constant and changeable. Some Still life’s, are Playful and bright. Other Art works are Somber and thought provoking. All her art works, are Small and Uniquely Art created.

The Acrylic paints are the Choice for Kleynscheldt, she Tried Watercolors and gouache in High school. Her favorite colours were Acrylics. In her Art works, she works on Capturing the Light and texture, in Art objects, shapes and Colour. Kleynscheldt paints Wet on dry, and likes the Quick drying time of Acrylic paints.

Time to Experiment–Kleynscheldt, advice to painters making a Transition from another Medium to Acrylic, is to make Time to experiment with Acrylic colours, and the Medium. Try different Acrylic brands, with their level, of Gloss and opacity. Buy and work, with the Highest Quality paints and Canvases.

Working from References–choose Materials and objects that Inspire you, and do Work from your Photographs, so that you can Change, the Lighting and the position of the Scenery.

More Personal than a Photograph–Kleynscheldt, says a painting, is more Personal than a photograph. A painting is about Feeling and Expressing yourself, through Colour and Texture.it tells you, when to Keep on painting, and when Too stop. She thinks, Paintings should be Beautiful, and most Importantly, a painting should give the Audience an Emotional connection, through the, Art creation.

Nature World. Mixed Media. Marie. Crimi. 2021…

Attack Artists Block–Kleynscheldt’s, Method to avoid painters Block. She plans her Next painting, before her Current one is Finished, this keeps her, Art creative Motivated. She makes the Effort to be careful not to Fall into a Art Rut. With her Still Life’s, she Limits the number of Paintings, she Completes of a Subject.

To Shake Things up-Kleynscheldt, believes Artists should move Forward, into whatever Challenges them as an Artist. Also what feels New and exciting. Saying that, when you Feel stuck, you need to Get out, of Your Comfort zone. Change the Project, the Medium, the Props and the Canvases…

Futuristic City. Mixed Media. Marie. Crimi. 2021…

In conclusion, Marike Kleynscheldt is a Self taught Artist, from Cape Town, in South Africa. She concludes her Argument, saying, that it is all in the Emotional connection, between, the Painting and the Viewer.

In the Science of Structure–it says, Why? Your Routine is Killing Your Creativity?

Meg Selig of Psychology Today, writes, that a Routine is Nothing more than a Series of Habits. We follow habits with the Intention of making Our Lives easier. Yet, we Never stop to Think about how Limiting, Habits might be? Actually Routines, let you go on Auto pilot, and You regardless, Accomplish your goals.

Annie Murphy Paul, says that, the way we spend our Mornings is Anti-counter, to what Neuroscientists and Cognitive Psychologists, tell us Promote flexible, open Minded thinking. Paul, says that a Strict Routine, will result in a Building, Up of stress, because you feel the Pressure, to Meet the demands of the Routines–Deadlines.

According to Tierney, he says, that Humans should follow a Routine of Complete and Full of Spontaneity. That is NO Routines at all. Tierney believes for Success, in the Material world, both the Internal, and relative to the Real world, you must Try, but Not too Hard… because too Much of Anything, can Never be Good?

Why Spontaneity is your friend?, and How to Embrace it–Sean Parshad, says that Friends come and go, but that Spontaneity, will last a Lifetime, Adding benefits, to your Whole Life. Life is Random in Nature, Adding to life, will Enrich your Life, and make it Feel more, Unpredictable and Yet Engaging? and that, the Very Staff of life, is what makes Random events more Interesting. The lesson is, that no Matter, what it is You Really want to do, the Time to get Started is now. There is No Wrong moment to have a Novel experience, no Wrong moment to Start to really Live… So get out There, and learn to Make the Unfamiliar, familiar. Your Brain, Body, and Soul will Thank you, For it.

Websites and Video’s to Explore–on Art Creativity and Spontaneity…



  • YouTube–Creative People and Art on Another level. 9.43
  • YouTube–Creative People and Art on Another level. 8.58
  • YouTube–Creative People and Art on Another level. 10.32
  • Iin concluding this blog, the artist marike kleynscheldt says that her daily artist schedule, helps her to be art spontaneous, and it also stops her artist block. giving her time to art experiment, by choosing medium and art brands, colors to make her art creations. also helping her to not fall into a art rut, which helps, in limiting the number of paintings, she makes of a subject.

In Conclusion, in the Science of Structure–it says that a Routine or schedule kills your creativity. Meg Selig of Psychology today, says that a Routine is a Series of habits. Then Annie Murphy Paul says, that Schedules, routines are Anti–counter to what Neuro-scientists and Cognitive Psychologists, tell us promote Flexible, Open minded thinking. That Routines, build up Stress, because you feel the Need, to meet the Demands of the routines? Then Tierney, says that Humans should not Follow a routine, at all costs. He believes to achieve Success, in the Material world, yes you Must try, but not too Hard, because too much of Anything, can Never be a Good thing?

Sean Parshad, says, that Friends come and go, but Spontaneity, will last a Lifetime, because it Adds Numerous benefits to your Lifetime. Concluding that there is no Wrong moment, to Start to really live. So make the Unfamiliar, familiar. Your Brain, Body and Soul, will Thank you, for it.

What do you think? Should we have Schedules and Routines, and Follow them Continuously? or should we Attempt Spontaneously everything, in our Lives? or What should we Do, and be?

Thank you for Visiting my blog, How a Strict Artist Schedule, can Lead to Creative Spontaneity?, or Maybe Not?…

Remember to Social distance, Stay safe and Work within Limits. See You all Next Blog…

I am, creationsbymariec.art artcreationsbymariec.art patreon/artcreationsbymariecart.com and etsy.com/Artpaperdesignsmarie

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