
Art Design, and My Art Creations Too…

In the following Blog, on Art Design, and My Art Creations Too… I start questioning what is Art Design and then follow naturally into  Researching this topic, and I am lead into Colour Design and Art, Learning and Brainstorming, into Illustration and What is, and the importance of Illustration. I think in Breaking out of a Rut, is very important to Art Design, because it gives the ideas, we need to navigate our way through our Art Professions. I have included articles, videos related to this blog, for your Personal Art Education. I have, created My Illustration Collage Paintings, that show my Art style and Unique Art technique.

In the Drawing Foundation: Fundamentals:–In the pencil drawing techniques:– 7 tips to improve your skills–says that, the First skill that helped you learn to draw was, the how to Master Pencil drawing, using a Pencil? The article continues to say, that if you have the Basic Drawing Fundamentals, you have the potential to become an excellent Artist. So Pencil drawing, is the fundamental requirement, for making Art.

The seven Tips to Improve Your Drawing Skills

  1. Master pencil grip–how to hold a pencil correctly.
  2. Mix up shading techniques–the first is to shade all lines that go in the same direction which makes the shading look cohesive The second is–to work in patches, which defines, the shape.
  3. Control line weight–is a great way to separate objects, from one another and it helps to emphasise the shadows.
  4. Build up your sketch-plan — explore, using loose lines, avoid committing to early with dark, lines. As you progress, and change lines, rechecking your work is vital as your work progresses.
  5. Check and recheck– check your drawing, and then check as you progress. Avoid guessing the details, make sure it looks symmetrical, before adding stronger, harder lines. Lastly, ask yourself, does this look and feel right?
  6. Prevent pencil smudges–always put a piece of paper under your hand, to prevent smudging the drawing.
  7. Know when to finish–remember a drawing can be overdone. The more you look at a drawing, the more you should make a conscious decision to stop, and to start a New Painting.
  8. https://www.creativebloq.com/art/drawing-techniques-7-fundamentals

What is the Definition of Colour in Art?–( in the- About.com )–colour is the element of art that is produced when light, striking an object, is reflected back to the eye. There are three properties to colour. The First–is hue, which means, the colour given to (red, yellow, blue, etc). The Second property–is the intensity, which is the strength, and brightness of the colour. The Third is property--is the colours value, meaning its lightness or darkness. The terms used are shade and tint which are the actual value change in the colours.

Examples: “Artists can colour the sky red, because they know it is Blue. Those who are not Artists, should colour objects the way they are realistically, or people might say and think we are stupid”.?...( Jules Feiffer).

  1. https://www.art/factory.com/colourtheory/colourtheory.html
  2. https://www.canva.com/learn/colour-theory
  3. https://www.colourmatters.com/colour-and-design
  4. https://www.lynda.com/illustrator-tutorials/colour-Designers

Learning, and Brainstorming–make your creative brainstorming sessions more effective and productive with these tips, from:  Then Creativity Coach, Stefan Mumaw.  Brainstorming, was invented in 1948, it is the dominant technique in the  Idea Generation. It combines Creativity, Problem solving, and Group discussion. Alex Osborn says, most brainstorming fails, because the organiser does not have a Clear picture of the Purpose, the Process, or the Intended Outcome.

The Brainstorming Techniques

The Three Factors of Idea Generation

  1. It requires time to Develop
  2. The Goal is to offer Possibilities, not Solutions
  3. Group Dynamics,  play a Big role in the Effectiveness of the Session

Actions, and Group Dynamics of Brainstorming

  1. Basic–First Point of View
  2. Change Perspective — which opens a World of Possibilities
  3. Learn a New Habit
  4. Problem solving — in the Areas of,  Relevance, Novelty and Obstacles

Illustration and Art Design–An illustration is a decoration, interpretation or visual explanation of a Text, Concept or Process, designed for Integration in published media,–posters, flyers, magazines, books, teaching materials, animations, and videos.

Another explanation about, what is Illustration Design?–Illustration Designers are expected to Create, lively, character — driven, illustrations with, Personality and often with a Measure of humor.

  1. https://www.learn.org.articles/what-is-Illustration-Design.html

The Job Outlook for Illustrators– ( 2004 — 2024 ) 2% growth ( for All Artists ).  Median Pay ( 2014 ),  $43,890 ( for all Fine Artists ).

Illustration-Inspiration Grid/Design Inspiration, is a daily updated blog celebrating creative talent in the world. Get your daily fix of design, art, illustration, photography, and fashion, with a lot more…

  1. https://www.theinspirationgrid.com/category/illustration
  2. https://www.etsy.com/…/art-and-collectibles/drawing-and-illustratio

In the below steps for the Art Creation–Illustration part of this BLOG, I prepared A3 Acid Free, Watercolour papers by Creatives. For the Collages, I have cut out Heart shapes and Hat shapes from A4 Acid Free, Creatives Coloured Card Stock, in preparation for the next few steps, in the Art Creations part…

In this next step, I have used the Mont Marte– Acrylic paints in Light green and Titanium white–Semi matte, mixed with water, and painted lightly over the prepared collage papers, in continuation from the above, step. Note– the Hat collage paper is painted, slightly Darker green…

In this stage below, in the collages, I have drawn the pictures, in a Dark B2 Pencil.

The following  Paintings are the Illustration– Completed Version, of the above steps from beginning to the end, from the initial collages. The paints I have used are in a similar, combination of the Mont Marte–Acrylic Paints,  Scarlet, Rose madder, Cadmium yellow, Phthalo blue and Titanium white, in the Semi–Matte colours. I have named the paintings, individually…

The Queen of Hearts.   Mixed Media Collage.   By Marie. Crimi.  2019. 

All Hats Next Summer.   Mixed Media Collage.  By Marie. Crimi.   2019.

Breaking out of  A Rut–lately you have felt utterly uninspired. Lately your days have been blunt, dull, boring. It is as though you are, a Robot stuck in the same setting and program?… ( in the pschcentral.com )

Six small steps to breakout of a Big Rut–( in the-reliableplant.com ), says to jumpstart your life out of a Rut right Now.

  1. Think Big–and Small– you need Motivation to change. Think of new circumstances you want in your life. Make a plan, create action steps, that will lead to your goal…
  2. Be 100% Responsible–for your actions, you are the only person who has the power to change your situation. Your constant negativity, will not change your situation.
  3. Express, Don’t Repress–your emotions, experience them fully and then Move On.
  4. Take Inventory–schedule time each day, to review your past successes. From this you start building your confidence and inner strength. So you can make yourself successful again, if you work towards your goal.
  5. Expand your Focus–its easy to want, you need to shift your thinking from wanting to having. Your subconscious will work immediately, to get the item in a number of ways or circumstances.
  6. Do Something–do not reply, I will try–This statement contains the seeds of defeat. In doing something consistently, you will revitalise your life, making you attuned to new opportunities and circumstances. Step out of the place you no longer want to be in, this is the only way you will progress and increase your self-confidence.   So Do Be Responsible for your Life.

Videos and Information-on how to move out of a RUT…

  1. 5 Powerful Strategies to Get you Out of A Rut/Psychology.   https://www.psychologytoday.com
  2. 9 Tips for Breaking Out of A Rut–psychcentral.com.    https://www.psychcentral.com

Short Videos and Informative Articles, on Drawing Foundations, Colour for Design and Art, Learning and Brainstorming, Illustration and Breaking out of A Rut…

  1. A short Lesson on colour theory. By: Dom Carter. December 18, 2018.
  2. 5 Mindfulness apps to save you from Creative Burnout. By: Jessica Cook. October 10, 2018.
  3. 18 Phenomenally realistic pencil drawings. By: Creative Bloq Staff. October 05, 2018.
  4. Funny comic reveals the dilemma of a freelance life. By: Dom Carter. October 05, 2018.
  5. 5 Timeless illustration styles ( and what to use them for ). By: Nick Carson, September 05, 2018.
  6. 5 Easy ways to uncover your creative Genius. By: Dom Carter. August 10, 2018.
  7. A Must See…   Creative Inspirations.   Marian Bantjes.  Graphic Artist. By: Marian Bantjes. 2019…

In concluding the above Art Design Blog, it is true to say, what has been included in this blog starts, out basically as information, as to what is Art Design. Then exploring further, through researching has led deep, into all the important aspects of How to be and Navigate our way through the Art Design, Illustration Fine Art Creation, Professions. Further on, we read on how to stay Sane, and Completely and Precisely– Focused on our vision and intentions in the Creating of Great Art Creations…

Thank you for visiting my BLOG, I hope it was informative and interesting. Please Follow and Like My–BLOGS. If you have any comments, or suggestions for Art Researching, or other topics you would like me to Research, please let me know.

I am,   creationsbymariec.art