
Art Inspiration and My Art Too…

In this Blog, about Inspiration, I think it is interesting to find out where Inspiration comes from, why some individuals are highly Gifted in some area, and Other people, inspiration never comes into their Lives. Or are we all Gifted in other Areas, that are not as Noticeable. It would be Interesting to, Know what People think, about this topic, Inspiration?, after reading this Blog. I will be sharing, two Inspirational, Paintings I Art Created…

Artistic Inspiration– Is from the Latin Word ‘Inspirare’–means, ‘ To breathe in’, which is an Unconscious burst of Creativity. The Greeks believed that Inspiration or enthusiasm, came from the, Muses, and the Gods, Apollo and Dionysus. Also in the Norse Religions, Inspiration also is from the Gods, Like, Odin? In the Hebrew poetics, it is Divine inspiration, and from what is, the Material, that give us the Inspiration. Further in the book of Amos, the Prophet is overwhelmed, by God’s voice and speaks in Christianity. Inspiration is a Gift from the Holy Spirit. In the 18th century, the philosopher John Locke said, that the Human mind is where the Ideas resonate in the mind? In the 19th century, the Romantic poets Coleridge and Shelley, believed that the Poets inspiration, came to Them, because they was attuned, to the Divine, or mystical, ‘Winds’, this is why, the Poet received these Visions. The Psychiatrist Carl Custav Jung’s, theory of Inspiration, suggests that the Artist is attuned to A Cultural Memory that is encoded, with the, Genius, Archetypes of the Human mind.

The Marxist theory of Art see’s it, as An expression of the Friction between the Economic Base and the, Economic Superstructures, position, In the World. We can say, it is the Hidden, Dialogue of the Competing ideologies, in the world. Which is All, the Exploitation of the Ruling Classes’ , ideology.

In Modern Psychology, Inspiration is not, frequently studied, but is Acknowledged as the Individual’s Internal, Genius Mind.. ( in Wikipedia.org )

Art Inspiration Ideas

Websites: Art Inspiration

History of Concepts– Inspiration

Ancient models of Inspiration– In Greek thought, inspiration meant, that he/she would go into Ecstasy, or the Divine frenzy or madness? Revelation is a Conscious process, where the Writer or painter is aware and Interactive with a vision. While the Inspiration is involuntary, and received without any Complete understanding. In Christianity, inspiration is a Gift of the Holy spirit. In Northern societies, such as Old Norse, inspiration was associated with a Gift from the Gods. Inspiration is a Product of Genius Unsought ‘ Though desired ‘, Uncontrolled, irresistible, which involves the Art creatives, Whole Mind and body, fundamentally it is a gift, from Above?…

Renaissance Revival– A theory of Divine Fury enthusiasm, was elaborated by Pontus de Tyard, in his Solitaire Premier. Tyard classified, Four kind of Divine inspiration, 1) Poetic, Fury, Gift of the Muses, 2) Knowledge of Religions mysteries, 3) Prophercy and divination through Apollo, 4) Inspiration bought on by, Venus/Eros.

Enlightenment and Romantic Models– in the 18th century, in England, Nascent Psychology competed with Renascent celebration, of the Mystical nature of Inspiration. John Locke’s Model of the human mind, said that, Ideas associate with one another, and that String in the mind, can be struck with a Memorable idea. Therefore we can say, Inspiration is Random thought, a Natural combining of Ideas, which results as a Union of thoughts?.

Inspiration Birth– came to the individual, through his Attuning to the ( Divine or Mystical ), ‘Winds’, therefore, he was able to receive, such Genius, visions. therefore inspiration is Evident of the genius, and this Genius was what the individual took pride in. Although he Could not claim, to have Created the inspiration himself.

Modernist and Modern concepts– Sigmund Fraud, and other later Psychologists, located Inspiration in the Inner psyche of the Artist. The Artists inspiration, came out of Unresolved Psychological conflict, or childhood trauma. Therefore inspiration could come, directly from the Unconscious mind.

Material theories of inspiration– Are a Combination of Purely internal and Purely external sources. In Modern psychology, inspiration is Not studied seriously, even though it is seen as an Internal?, or External process. Whether the argument is, for Empiricist or Mystical?. Inspiration is?, by Nature, beyond the Individuals control.

When Inspiration Strikes. Mixed Media. Marie. Crimi. 2020…

Art Inspiration Maybe. Mixed Media. Marie. Crimi. 2020…

Takeshi Okada and Kentaro Ishibushi, in 2016, published in the Multi–disciplinary Journal, Cognitive science, in which Japanese undergraduate art students, were observed. To find out, if Copying or simply Musing, example Art works, served as Inspiration , would Increase, their Creative output?… This Observation gave different results. it was Concluded from this experiment that, it Did challenge the Student’s perspective on drawing. they give the example, of the Artists, Pablo Picasso and Vincent van Gough, who did Greatly ‘ imitate art ‘ creative works, by Other artists. which suggests, that ‘imitation’ is an effective driver of Art creativity, even for the Expert professionals… ( Information in the Wikipedia, free Encyclopedia.

In conclusion to this Blog, we can say that Genius Inspiration is a Gift from Above, the Gods? or is it A Culture Memory, that is encoded in our minds, is it a Hidden World Ideology that is Internal, or external, is inspiration an Idea a Thought, or do we Acquire inspiration by Copying or by Simply absorbing what we see in the Outer world Sphere? Or Could it Be, something beyond our Internal or External Beings? Who really knows?, the answer, why some people are Gifted– Genius’s, and other lack in most areas of the Intellect? Or are we all Gifted in some way? You see we can Question this Issue, Inspiration but who knows the truth…

Thank you for visiting this Blog. Have a Safe and Productive Week. Remember to Social distance. See You All Next Blog.

I am, ArtCreationsByMarieC.art,

