portraits and my portrait art creations...

Portraits and My Portrait Art Creations…

In this Blog, Portraits, I examine what is the Portrait, and if it had any Benefits for Society in the past , and if today Portraits are still Valued, or if Portraits, are a lost Art Form, for Society. Besides, the Artist, Portrait Painting, are there other Media, that are used, with the Universal use of the Newer IT–Technology? Let us try to envision, what the Future has installed for the Portrait?

Portrait painting–is a genre in Art, in which the purpose is to show a Human Individual, and their personality. Portrait, Artists paintings, can describe their actual Portrait painting. People who Paint portraits can create their work, for Commissions, for the General Public or for the Private individual. The main purpose of a Portrait painting is for State recognition and Importance. Portrait paintings, are also the paintings made of family members,  as a record for their family, remembrance history.

Historically–Portrait paintings have been important for the Rich and the Powerful in Society.  As the time has moved forwards, the Middle classes, have Commissioned Portraits, of Family and their colleagues.

At the Present Time–Portraits are still Commissioned by Governments, corporations, groups, clubs and the Individual.

Portraits and Media–Portraits can be made in other Media, such as in Prints and in (Etchings and Lithography), photography, video and digital media. Throughout history, for all the Artists, in the different traditions, it has been necessary for the Artist, to learn newer and particular skills, for painting realistically the Portraited.

Technique and Practice–A well Painted portratit, needs to show the Inner essence of a person, or needs to be an excellent representation or show the likeness, of an individual. Artists usually aim for a Photographic realist looking painting, or an Impressionist, painting, or a similarity of their sitter. In a Caricature, in which an attempt is made to Exaggerate a characters, Physical features.

Artists–Edward Burke-Jones, said that the only True expression in a Portrait is the Likeness of a character and their Moral quality. Nothing that is Temporary, changing or accidental in the Portrait.

The Artist Gordan C. Aymar, said that the Eyes, are the place that we look at to give, the most, Reliable and complete information, of an individual in the Portrait paintings. The Eyebrows, show the Wonder, pity, fright, pain, cynicism, concentration, displeasure, surprise and Expectation. All these Emotions are expressed, in a Variety of variation, and also in Combinations of expression.

Portrait paintings–can show the subject, in Full length, (Whole Body), Half length, (from Head to waist or Hips), Head shoulders,–(Bust), or just the Head. Some of the other Variations, the person can be Clothed, or nude, indoors or outside, standing, seated, reclining, and even Horse–mounted.

Portraits–can be of Individuals, couples, parents, children, families, or Groups of people.

Portrait Creations–can be made in different media, which can include, Oil paints, watercolours, pen and ink, pencil, charcoal, pastel, and Mixed media. Artists have a wide-range of palette colours, to use to create the Portrait painting.

Websites: Portrait Painting

  1.  How to paint Portraits from photographs, a step by step guide. https://empty easel.com
  2. Portrait Painting and Drawing:  https://www.art-is-fun.com/portrait painting

Videos of Portrait Paintings

  1. bing.com/videos


Overall Size of Portrait–the Artist does take into account, where the Final portrait will be hung. The Colour and style of the décor, the painting will be Shown in, are considered greatly by the Artist.

The Portrait Painting, Indian Summer, is made in Creations Watercolours, on A3, Acid free, Creatives Watercolour paper, and the Painting is completed in Sharpie Fine Black marker.


Indian Summer.  Mixed Media.   By: Marie. Crimi.   2019.


The drawing below is, the above completed Portrait painting. It is my Unique Art style and Version of a Free Photo Stock, Photo, that I used for the Initial Reference. I used a 2B, Eco Lead, Light Pencil, to make the drawing. I made a Wash to paint over the drawing using, Mont Marte–Silver Series Acrylic colours, Titanium white and a smallish amount of the Rose madder. When this wash was dry, I proceeded to paint the drawing in Creatives, Watercolours. And finished of the Portrait, in Sharpie Fine Marker.


Hue and Portraits–Creating a Portrait takes a lot of time, needing at least Four sittings. In the 18th century it would take at least a full year, to complete a portrait. After calming the sitter, and encouraging a natural pose, the Artist then studies the person in detail. Looking in particular for a Facial expression, that satisfies the Artists concept, of the Individual’s personality. The Posture is examined, to show the Emotional and physical state of the sitter, the Clothes of the sitter, are considered as the Overall impression. To keep the Sitter at ease, the artist will Maintain a pleasant, steady appearance, and Make light conversation, with the sitter.

Human Anatomy and Portraiture–in the Creation of a Successful portrait, the Overall, knowledge of The Human Anatomy is very important.

Portraits Outcome–Occasionally, the Client or the client’s family is unhappy with the Portrait. The Artist is then, required to re-touch the painting or in some case Redo the painting, or to Withdraw the Commission without being paid, the Artist suffering, the Humiliation of failure.

An example of a Portrait Failure–The famous and particular Gilbert Stuart, once replied to a client’s dissatisfaction with his wife’s portrait, by replying. ‘You bought me a Potato, and you expect as Peach!

The Portrait painting below, is my first attempt at Portrait drawing . I decided to use Acid free, A3, Creatives, Watercolour paper, it is my preferred paper to use. It has a fine texture and I thought I would use Soft coloured pastels, I like working in soft pastels, although I have not used them for awhile. I thought it would be fun to see if I could work on the Portrait. I have put it under the paragraph as A Failed Portrait, because it is my First Portrait attempt, and I think I did not, do the Painting the Justice, the painting deserved.

Spring Arrived.   Mixed Media.   By: Marie. Crimi.   2019.


The drawing below is the above initial drawing for the above completed Pastel Portrait. I used a 2B, Eco Lead, light pencil, to draw the Portrait. Then I used Acrylics, Mont Marte-Silver Series, Colours, Cadmium yellow, Yellow orange and a littlest Raw umber, to make the Wash, that I applied over the initial drawing. When dry, I used Mungo Soft Pastels for the Colouring, and to finish the complete Portrait painting, I outlined the picture with Watercolour Black Pencil. To give the definition the Portrait needed, to finish it Off…


A Successful Portrait–can gain the Lifelong gratitude of a client. The Count Bulthanzar, was so pleased with the Portrait, ‘Raphael’ had created of his wife, that he told Raphael the Artist, “Your image…alone can lighten my cares, that image is my delight, I direct my smiles to it, it is my joy”.  (Above information, in Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia).

In concluding this Portraits examination of definite details, we can see that Portraits are a necessary part of society. Through History, Governments and Corporations, and the Rich Valued the Portraits. At this time, All Classes of Society have some form of Portrait Recording, for their Knowledge and for Remembrance. It is easy to believe, that the Portrait recording, whether the Portrait is Painted by an Artist, or made in other Media, that it will always be part of our Culture, always has been and will be, so it is… This is a Good Service available to us as a Society, it keeps us informed of how far we as Earthlings have Matured, in time, and What we have left Behind in the World’s, past.

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Portraits and The Materials, that Inspire, Drive, The Artists, Art Creations?..., Uncategorized

Portraits’ and the Materials, that Inspire, Drive, The Artists, Art Creations?…

In this Blog, Portraits’ and Materials, that Inspire, Drive, The Artists, Art Creations?… I will give important, information on portrait painting.  History, General, and some interesting and funny trivia. I will also be showing you the stages to my Portrait Creating, attempts, and am providing you with web links, to check out, in regards to Media I used, and information on Techniques and other Brand information.

Portrait painting, is a genre in painting, where  there is an interest in drawing a person or persons.

Historically,  Portrait paintings have portrayed the rich and the powerful in Society. Through the ages, and some time later, the Middle class, also commissioned portraits of Family, Members and Colleagues.

Today portrait paintings are commissioned by Governments, Corporations, Groups, Clubs, and Individuals.

As well as paintings, portraits can also be made in other media, such as etching, lithography, photography, video and digital media.

A well drawn portrait, should show the Inner essence of the subject, from the Artist’s point of view, it should be a Flattering representation, and not just a literal likeness.

Aristotle stated,  that the Aim of Art, is to present not the outward appearance, but a persons Inner significance.  To accomplish this, it is not the external look or details, that give the portrait, the true appeal, only what is inside a person, that Gives life to an Excellent portrait.

In portrait paintings the subject can be depicted, Full length, Half length, Head and shoulders, or just the Head.

The other possible Variables, are the subject can be Clothed, or nude, indoors or outdoors, standing, seated, reclining, or horse-mounted.  Portrait paintings can be of Individuals, couples, parents, children, families, or collegial groups.

Portraits can be created in Various Media, in Oils, Watercolour, Pen and Ink, Pencil, Charcoal, Pastel, and Mixed media. The Artists can use a wide–ranging palette of colours.

In this portrait, I have drawn from a free photo, which is of a Model, who lives in Europe. I have used Paint Markers, and Watercolour Pencils, By Faber Castell, to complete the Portrait painting. I use this Brand because, the product is affordable, gives great results,  and is easy to find. I am listing some web sites, to inform you, about these Media, and how to use.  https://www.artistsnetwork.com/art-techniques/markers/ink/rightnow.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?V=7JvP3Xs65WM.  and the, Watercolour pencils,   https://feltmagnet.com/drawing/watercolourpencils-reviews.

The following pictures, are the preliminary, Drawing and then, the green acrylic wash, in the Mont Marte–Silver series–Light green, and Semi-matte–Titanium white.

SDC10625         SDC10627

This completed Portrait, is coloured in Paint Markers, and Watercolour Pencils,  both Media, by Faber Castell.

Making Waves.  Mixed Media.  By Marie. Crimi.  2018.


22 Artists on the Materials that Inspire and Drive Their Work.– The introduction is good to read.  If you go down towards the end,   to the Artists,   Lyn Hershman Leeson,  Shara Hughes and  Curtis Talwst Santiago.  These artists, are the most interesting, and I think we can relate, to their work, if only in the materials they use.  These Artists could contribute, to our Art work styles, and our Art, thought processes.

The Size of the Portrait is an important consideration.  Usually the Artist, takes into account, where the final portrait will be hung, and takes in, the colours and style, of the surrounding décor.  To Create a Portrait takes, a considerable time, usually several sittings, the average is about four.  In the 18th century, it would take about a year, to deliver a completed portrait, to a client.

Pre- to Portrait painting--Central to the successful execution of the portrait, you need to Master the Human Anatomy.  Human faces are asymmetrical, and the Skillful portrait artist, reproduce this with a subtle left-right, difference.  Artists need to be knowledgeable about the underlying bone tissue structure, to make a convincing portrait.   For complex compositions, the artist may first do a complete pencil, ink, charcoal, or oil sketch, which is useful, if the Sitter’s available time is limited.

Occasionally, the Client or the client’s family is unhappy with the resulting portrait, and the artist is obligated to re-touch it or do it over, or withdraw from the commission, without being paid. Suffering the humiliation of failure.

Jacques-Lois David celebrated portrait of Madame Recamier, wildly Popular in exhibitions’ was Rejected by the sitter. John Singer Sargents, notorious Portrait of Madame X, was Rejected.  John Trumbull’s full-length, portrait, of General George Washington, was Rejected by the committee, that commissioned it. The List of rejected Portraits goes on and on…

Note:–The Famous, prickly Gilbert Stuart, once replied to a clients dissatisfaction with his wife’s portrait by retorting,   “You brought me a potato, and you expect a peach!”

In this portrait, I have again taken a different free photo, of The same Model as in the above Portrait painting. You will see, how using different media, give a completely different result, to the completed painting. I have placed the painting in this section, because, I do not like the Result.    I have used Fine Markers and Metallic Colour Pencils, both Media are, by Faber Castell, my preferred Brand. I am giving the web sites for you to check out the Media, information.  https://www.art-is-fun.cm/best-art-markers-with-fine-tips.    https://www.best coloured pencils.com/best-metallic-coloured-pencils.

The following drawings are the initial sketch, and then the picture is a wash of acrylic Mont Marte–Silver series–Rose madder, and Semi-matte–Titanium white.

SDC10626      SDC10628

In this completed Portrait Painting, of the Model, I have used Fine Markers and Metallic Coloured Pencils, both Media, By  Faber Castell, my preferred Brand.   I do not like the way this painting worked out, so I have to say, Rejected…

Chiarasc,  Mixed Media, By Marie. Crimi.  2018.


For Interesting and Important History on Portrait Painting– Through the Ages, go to, ( The Wikipedia, Free Encyclopedia ) and read through the information that attracts you, under History.

The Top 10 – Self Portraits in Art– From an anxious Lucian Freud to an enigmatic Rembrandt and a norish Cindy Sherman, these self-portraits take the selfie, to a new artist level.  This Article is interesting to read a little in, and to have a small look at the Self- Portraits, it gives you an idea of the Quality of  the Portraits, through the Ages and a look in, Through the Eyes of the Artists, who made them.

Portrait Artists Career Information ( Study.com ) , Not required, although  Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs in Fine arts, can help Portrait Artist’s, Refine their skills, and Improve their prospects in the job market.

Career Definition for a Portrait Artist– The activities of a Portrait Artist, may include, taking Photographs for publications, Creating privately commissioned pieces for Museums or individuals and Restoring older works of Art. They could, Critique the work of other artist’s, Teach and Participate in exhibitions.  Generally, Portrait Artists, must rely on their Portfolio and Professional connections to find work, through Galleries and through Private–commissions.

Job Skills– Meaningful Expression, Imaginative approaches, Customer service and Interpersonal skills.

Median Salary– (2015)  $46,460 for the Fine Artists.

Job Growth– ( 2014 – 2024 ) 3% for the Fine Artists. ( Source, U.S.A Bureau of Labor Statistics ).

In conclusion I hope this Blog has being Informative about everything Portrait, that is according to my research. I hope it has given you focus and ideas, on many points of interest to your specific needs, on Media and Portrait questions?. I hope you enjoyed, my attempts, at Portrait Creating. Thank you for participating in what I had to share. Have an amazing week, See You All, Next Week…