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What makes an Artist Professional?, and My Art…

What makes an Art Professional?, is a very Interesting topic to Investigate and make a Conclusion on, because remember we are all born Artists, it is how do we stay Artists as Adults? Yes, and this is the Greatest Question of all Time? In this Blog, I am Aiming to see How, we can make ourselves Art Professionals. I will input some of the Art I decided to Make for This Blog, to share with You, Art I have made, to break up the Answer to the Artist Professional Question?

Distinguishing yourself from an Amateur to a Professional Artist is not easy. It has nothing to do with your Ability to create Good paintings. it has Nothing to do with, whether you have a Real job or not. There are Numerous factors that determine your Art vocation, Artist does Not happen Magically, for a person.

An Artist is not made through their Great art skills, or an Excellent personality. No a True artist, a Professional artist Dedicates years of their lives to Creating and Selling their Art creations. Only a Few artists become Overnight sensations. To be a True and living Professional artist, takes Time and patience. Yes, Artists are all Different and yet all Professional artists have a number of Things in common?

Here are Seven Common Artist professional Questions to Ask?

What Medium are You Using?

  • Amateur galleries are full of Watercolour paintings, this is a sign that an Artist is an Amateur artist. Painters believe Watercolours are easy to use. Whereas Acrylics and Water soluable oils, are Easy to learn to use, and are a better Medium to Hide Art created mistakes. By starting to use Acrylics, you will Learn techniques that the Artist professionals use, like Impasto work and to use other Mediums to manipulate the paint. It is always very Important to explore, other Options when you are New to the Art scene. It is vey important, to use Quality paints, whatever Medium you choose to work in, Once you have Mastered a Foundation in Technique, buy Professional Grade art supplies. You will Notice the Difference, in the Quality of Your Art Creations.

Sunrise on the Seas. Mixed Media. Marie Crimi. 2020…

What are You Painting?

  • Landscapes and Still life are Perfect subjects for beginners, yes some Art professionals paint these Subjects their entire careers. Remember there is so much more in the Whole world to Paint and create. you must not get stuck on the same Way of Art creating, there are so many Options. Attempt, Abstract painting?, Impressionist?, maybe Mixed media, the Reasons are Wide, because you Never know what you can Art create, or how to Work out What you, like to Art create. You must never Copy a photograph verbatim, this is not a Long term solution. You must be and do Original and Unique art. What you can do is use a Photograph, only as a reference. Use the Photo to sketch your own Interpretation of the subject. What is essential to an Artist, is that they must Learn to grow, In their Art Creating and not to Copy verbatim?

Wood Sculpture in the Sea. Mixed Media. Marie Crimi. 2020…

How is your Final presentation?

  • Professional artists, know that their Completed painting, is Final at the Presentation stage of Their painting. You will notice that Professional artists, do not use the Standard canvas or Paper size, Shape or texture. For the Professional artist, its all about Visualising the Final piece of Art, and working on that Idea from the Initial stage, of the Art creation. Framing is a big Presentation issue for the Art professional, and choosing the Frames and Mats that Do not detract from the painting, is their biggest Issue, as Artists.

Have you Developed a Style?

  • When you have chosen your Medium of choice, explored the Subject matter, and Learned how to Professionally finish your Paintings. Your next step is to Develop a Personal style, this Style develops Naturally over time. the Key to finding your Art style?, is to Follow your Vision, and to Utilize your Artistic Inspiration, and Paint, Paint, Paint…

Gummy Tree and Bush. Acrylics. Marie Crimi. 2020…

What is your Motivation?

  • Artists talk about Motivation all of the Time. Why do you do What you do? All Professional artists know, they have to Create and they will do, Whatever they need, to keep doing, the Art Creating. The Professional artist is not Easily distracted, from their Work progress. Dedication is their Primary motivation. Professional artists, Constantly look for Inspiration for their next painting, and also know that, their next Painting will be better than the Last one, and that there is Room for Improvement. This is Exciting, for the artists.

Are you Active in the Art Community?

This is the reality of a Professional artist, it is not the Easiest path in life. you may run into Obstacles, but Artists, often find Large and Small amounts of Success to keep them Motivated. The Professional artist, is a Master of Time management and Organisation. This is a Necessary requirement. The Idea of an Artist, who Wanders and Swings a brush at the Canvas all day, is a Great Myth.

So? are you Ready to become a Professional artist?

Art can be very Solitary life, filled with Hours, and Weeks Alone in the Studio. Rather than being Loners or Competitive, many Professional artists like to, Speak to other Artists. The successful Artist knows its not about Quality art, or Affordable art. But that the more Interesting you are, the better your Art is received. Many Artists become Outgoing Individuals, over time as Art Professionals.

  • Only you can answer this question, remember no Two artists are the same. Truth is its Immaterial whether you choose to be an Artist professional. The important part is that you keep on Creating art. You will gain a Personal satisfaction in painting, and in the Art community. Only a few other Hobbies fulfil your life, the way Art does and can. So never Give up or be Discouraged, just keep on Painting and Success will Follow You…

The City Scape (Eastern Europe). Mixed Media. Marie Crimi. 2020…

Websites: What makes A Professional Artist?

In concluding in What makes an Art Professional?, is that you must Distinguish yourself from an Amateur Artist. That is that a True Professional Artist must dedicate himself to Living the Art Creative Life. The Artist must Work hard at Creating Art with their, Time and lots of Dedicated, Patience. The Artist must Not copy from photos Verbatim, but must Endeavour to Produce Original and Unique Art works. In the above Method, the Artist becomes Professional with a Style all of his own, and through making Art will, without fail become Successful as an Art Professional. Remember Art Enlightens, is Delightful, to do Life long, and can make the Artist, fullfilled life Long, and Hopefully a Lot of Money.

Thankyou for visiting my Blog this Week, have a Safe and Productive Week. See You next Blog, Remember to Like and to share, if you found this Blog Interesting.

I am, Artcreationsbymariecart.wordpress.com

