
Easter. The Christian Celebration, of All time, and Easter cards, for You too…

In this blog we Celebrate, the True story, of Easter Sunday, Resurrection Sunday. I have made Easter cards for You too…

The Easter, Christian holiday the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, after he was Crucified by the Romans on Good Friday, more than 2,000 Years ago.

Easter Sunday each year, is Celebrated on a Different day, because it is based on the Dates of the Spring Equinox, and The First spring, Moon cycle, which happens between March 21 and April 25 Each year…

The Easter story–Easter or Resurrection Sunday, we Celebrate as the, Most important Date, in all of Human history. That is, Jesus Rising from the Dead.

All of Christianity and all Eternity, Believes the Truth of the Resurrection. ( in the, http://www.crosswalk.com… )

What is the True meaning of Easter Sunday--Easter, is called Pascha ( Aramaic, Greek, Latin ), or the Resurrection Sunday. which is a Christian, and A Cultural holiday, that remembers the Rising of Jesus, from the Dead. Described in the New Testament as occurring on the Third day, after, Jesus’s Burial, following his Crucifixion, by the Romans at Calvary c. 30 AD. ( in the, wikipedia.org/wiki/Easter )

How did Easter get its Date?–in 325 A.D. Emperor Constantine, met other Church leaders and together, Agreed that Easter, would Happen on the First Sunday, after the First Full Moon, after the Spring Equinox. There is controversy over the Celebrations date, which Continues, with Many of the Eastern Orthodox Churches, Celebrating the Resurrection, at the End of Passover Week… ( in the, All about Jesus Christ.org/history… )

How exactly is Easter Determined each Year?–Since it is Celebrated on a Different Date Each Year–The Date of the Paschal, Full Moon, used to Estimate the Date of Easter, is based on the Mathematical approximations, following a 19–Year cycle, called the Metonic cycle. Both dates may Coincide with the Dates, of the Astronomical events, although in Some years, they Do not. ( In the, Time and date.com/calendar… )

What does, the New Testament say about, the Resurrection of Jesus?. —That, Easter Celebrates, and is One of the Main beliefs, of the Christian Faith. In that, the Resurrection of Jesus, as the Son of God, is the Belief and Proof, that God, will Righteously Judge the world, After Death. ( In the, wikipedia.org./wiki/…

What is the Origins, and the History of the Easter Egg?--Most Historians, believe Easter Eggs, came from Anglo Saxon, Festivals in the Spring, to Celebrate the Pagan Goddess, of Eostre. The Goddess, who could be the Name, for Easter? Which represented the, Dawn in spring, and the Eggs were Buried, and Eaten during the Festival. Eggs are believed, to be a Symbol of Fertility and Rebirth of Nature, after the Dead of Winter… ( In the, nbcchicago.com/news… )

Why do we Have Easter Eggs?--Easter eggs, were a Symbol of Fertility and Rebirth, in Pagan cultures. In the Early Christian, Celebrations of Easter, Easter eggs were used to Symbolize, part of the Easter story. Easter eggs, Represent the Empty Tomb, from which Jesus, Resurrected… ( In the, http://www.chaseoaks.org/blog/easter-eggs… )

What is the Easter Bunny?–The Easter Bunny, was a Mythical creature, who Delivered, Easter eggs, to Children. The Modern version, of the Easter bunny, is from the 17th century, Folkloric Osterhase, a German Egg Laying Hare.

The following are Easter cards, I have made for You, for Easter Celebrations, for Resurrection Sunday, or Easter Sunday…

Easter Cards, 2022. Colour Pencils. Marie. Crimi. 2022…

In Denmark, until the 1920’s, this Tradition was, current in Jutland and on the Island of Langeland only…

Videos–You Tube–Easter, The Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

  • The Resurrection of Jesus–Easter Sunday–You Tube, ( 28.3.2013 )
  • The Easter Story, ( Jesus Sacrifice )–You Tube, ( 16.4.2017 )

Easter is the Christian Celebration, of the Risen Jesus Christ, from the Dead. Easter, is called Resurrection Sunday. We celebrate Easter, in Many ways. The Easter egg is a Symbol, of the Empty Tomb, on Resurrection Sunday. Easter, is the Promise, to all off Humanity, of an Eternal Life, After Our Death.

Have a Happy Easter, Be Safe, Eat Easter eggs in Moderation. See You All, Next Blog…

I Am creationsbymariec.art


